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Thursday, February 7, 2008

Development Differences in SQL 2000 and 2005

There is a change in TOP Clause as in SQL 2000 and SQL 2005
The following table contains the changes:

TOP in SQL 2000

TOP in SQL 2005

The TOP clause limits the number of rows returned in the result set.


specifies how many rows are returned. If PERCENT is not specified, n is the number of rows to return. If PERCENT is specified, n is the percentage of the result set rows to return:

TOP 120 /*Return the top 120 rows of the result set. */
TOP 15 PERCENT /* Return the top 15% of the result set. */.

If a SELECT statement that includes TOP also has an ORDER BY clause, the rows to be returned are selected from the ordered result set. The entire result set is built in the specified order and the top n rows in the ordered result set are returned.

The other method of limiting the size of a result set is to execute a SET ROWCOUNT n statement before executing a statement. SET ROWCOUNT differs from TOP in these ways:

  • The SET ROWCOUNT limit applies to building the rows in the result set after an ORDER BY is evaluated. When ORDER BY is specified, the SELECT statement is terminated when n rows have been selected from a set of values that has been sorted according to specified ORDER BY classification.
  • The TOP clause applies to the single SELECT statement in which it is specified. SET ROWCOUNT remains in effect until another SET ROWCOUNT statement is executed, such as SET ROWCOUNT 0 to turn the option off.


Specifies that only the first set of rows will be returned from the query result. The set of rows can be either a number or a percent of the rows. The TOP expression can be used in SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements.

     TOP (expression) [PERCENT]
     [ WITH TIES ]




Is the numeric expression that specifies the number of rows to be returned. expression is implicitly converted to a float value if PERCENT is specified; otherwise, it is converted to bigint.

Parentheses that delimit expression in TOP is required in INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. For backward compatibility, TOP expression without parentheses in SELECT statements is supported, but we do not recommend this.

If the query includes an ORDER BY clause, the first expression rows, or expression percent of rows, ordered by the ORDER BY clause are returned. If the query has no ORDER BY clause, the order of the rows is arbitrary.


Indicates that the query returns only the first expression percent of rows from the result set.


Specifies that additional rows be returned from the base result set with the same value in the ORDER BY columns appearing as the last of the TOP n (PERCENT) rows. TOP ...WITH TIES can be specified only in SELECT statements, and only if an ORDER BY clause is specified.



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